Category: Uncategorized

Analogue is the new Black (Digital) – DbnDDay Keynote presentation @5tevegray
I had the privilege of participating in the Durban Digital Day #DbnDDay yesterday. 300ish of Durban’s leading social media peeps came out to learn. My big idea was about unlocking the latent bandwidth in the analogue space, and some ideas on how technology and analogue can make the world a better place. I wore an electronic…
3D Scanning for everyone
First up: Kickstarter is a cool platform (check it out if you haven’t before). 3D scanning is the missing piece in the “new industrial revolution” driven by 3D printing. Occipital has just set the benchmark, coming in at just over 15% of the cost of the makerbot 3D scanner. You see it is all very…
The need to Make
“…there is something very novel and thrilling to me, to build with wood and stone… I can’t recreate that sense of pleasure online.” I just watched a documentary called “the Startup kids”, which gives a brief overview of young entrepreneurs who have succeeded (and failed) online. They say the same thing all entrepreneurs say: “Just do it.”,…