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    Hackathon how to:

    1. open arduino IDE
    2. copy this:
    3. put it into preferences: “additional boards manager URL”
    4. go to “tools” at the top of arduino menu, hover over “board” at the top click “boards manager”
    5. wait for the boards manager to update (30 seconds or so)
    6. search “esp8266” click to install the board
    7. Plug in your esp8266 board into the micro usb cable
    8. under tools > boards > select NODEMCU 1.0 (ESP 12-E)
    9. under tools > port > select the ch340 address / com address of the board
      1. If you don’t see a com port and windows doesn’t recognize the usb device
      2. go here and follow the steps
      3. make sure your board now shows up
    10. Go to
    11. register and account
    12. confirm your email
    13. login to
    14. open
    15. scroll down to “sensors” and select /domains/{domain}/sensors to create a new sensor
    16. click “try it out” and edit the text with your data. Change “id”  “name” to the name of your sensor, and “owner” to your username, and timestamp to now.
    17. scroll down to /domains/{domain}/sensors/{sensor_id}/measurements
      insert new measurement. change text as in step above. if your sensor has a few different outputs (like temp, humidity, light. then add one for each)
    18. on click “table view”, find your sensor name above, click on it
    19. your sensor should be green and have posted all the details you edited in step 16
    20. download this sketch:
    21. open and see if you can upload it to your device
    22. In Arduino Go to libraries > manage libraries > search for “DHT11” and install the adafruit library
    23. In Arduino Go to libraries > manage libraries > search for “adafruit unified sensor by adafruit” install
    24. edit the sketch in arduino to update the sensor id and measurement id



    1. download:                  626 KB               
    2. install library in Arduino: sketch > include library > add a zip library (browse in the file above)
    3. download the BLYNK app from app store or play store on your smartphone
    4. register with your email address
    5. create your first project
    6. get the
    7. in Arduino open File > Examples > BLYNK > boardswifi > esp8266 standalone
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