Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects.
To learn more about what arduino is following this link: https://www.arduino.cc/
Come into The MakerSpace to learn about arduino and perhaps even put together your own functional arduino.
This class is an introduction to arduino where you will learn the basics and the functionality of arduino.
What do you need to bring:
If you take the kit option:
laptop with Arduino IDE installed https://www.arduino. cc/en/Main/Software
If you take the no kit option:
laptop with Arduino IDE installed https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Male jumpers
Arduino uno or similar
Once you have made your booking you will receive an email with payment options. If you do not receive this email please check your spam box, if you still do not receive an email please email cari@themakerspace.co.za.
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Date(s) - 07/04/16
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
MakerSpace @ The Foundary
Bookings are closed for this event.